Health Management Initiatives

Health Management at JAST

Health Management Declaration

In recognition of the fact that managing the promotion of employee health is a priority issue for the long-term, sustained growth of the JAST Group, we will work to maintain and improve employee health, corporate productivity and employee job satisfaction.

October 1, 2019
President and CEO
  Takeaki Hirabayashi

External evaluation

Under the Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization Certification System promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi in order to recognize outstanding organizations in the area of employee health management, JAST has been certified as a “Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (large enterprise category)” for three consecutive years since 2021.
Feedback form is here

As a company which actively works to support employees’ work-life balance, JAST has obtained “Kurumin” certification.

Health Promotion System

We plan and implement health promotion activities centered on our Health Management Promotion Secretariat.
The Secretariat works in conjunction with the Health Committee and Event Committee, comprised of members from the different business divisions, to implement measures which raise employee awareness of health, promote communication through health-related events and contribute to health promotion.

JAST’s Health Management Journey

Looking Ahead

  • (1) We will use the health management system newly introduced in 2021 to drive a PDCA cycle involving “clarification of health issues,” “establishment of KPI,” “enhancement of measures” and “verification of effectiveness.”
  • (2) The establishment of the JAST Health Insurance Society will allow for smoother coordination with the health insurance society, improving the implementation rate of specific health guidance and the realization of collaborative health.
  • (3) We will put into practice health management measures which encompass all employees and which are centered on the Health Management Promotion Working Group.

Health Management Strategy Map

A Look at the Numbers: Initiatives and Targets (KPI)

Regular health examinations / stress checks / High stress identification rate

    2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2024
Regular health examinations Examination rate 100% 100% 100% 99.9% 100% 100% 100%
Re-examinations 89.0% 89.9% 85.0% 86.8% 99.2% 100% 100%
Stress checks Testing rate 92.2% 91.5% 93.3% 93.8% 93.2% 100% 100%
High stress identification rate 16.8% 13.0% 14.7% 14.5% 14.4% 14.0% ≤12%
Scroll horizontally to view the table.

Average monthly total hours worked / Average monthly overtime hours worked

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Average monthly total hours worked 153.7 150.8 145.7 143.7 145.1
Average monthly overtime hours worked 16.2 14.4 18.3 18.6 17.1
Scroll horizontally to view the table.

Average annual paid leave utilization rate / Average annual paid leave days taken

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2024
Average annual paid leave utilization rate 73.8% 70.5% 64.2% 61.9% 65.9% 70% 90%
Average annual paid leave days taken 12.7 12.1 10.7 10.5 11.2
Scroll horizontally to view the table.

Childcare leave utilization rate / Post-childbirth return-to-work rate

  2020 2021 2022 2024
Childcare leave utilization rate (female) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Childcare leave utilization rate (male) 6.3% 20.8% 36.4% ≥30% ≥30%
Post-childbirth return-to-work rate 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Scroll horizontally to view the table.

Employee health status indicators

Find more information here

Health Management Measures

Creating Safe, Healthy and Employee-friendly Workplaces

Health Committee

The Health Committee reviews working hours data, shares information and opinions about seasonal topics and seeks medical advice from occupational health physicians.

Work-life balance

Annual paid leave utilization promotion

As part of our efforts to promote use of annual paid leave, recommended days for taking paid leave are scheduled and employees are encouraged to take memorial leave.

Expansion of the telework system

In addition to in-office or from-home work options, we have introduced hybrid work options, like working from a relative’s home or from a satellite office, which provide employees with more choices adapted to their lifestyle.

Elimination of long working hours with “Kaeru! JAST”

“Kaeru! JAST” is an independently established labor practices program which has been in place at JAST since the 2009 fiscal year, and it is aimed at ensuring employees can effectively utilize their personal time, and at fostering a more relaxed workplace environment.
<Main measures>
  • 1. Work ends by 8 pm / Work interval recommendations
  • 2. Everyone leaves at the regular time on Wednesdays
  • 3. No working on days off

Short working hours system

This system is used to help employees balance their childcare (up to the third grade in elementary school) and nursing care responsibilities with their work responsibilities.

Communication promotion

Company-wide events (family appreciation days, sports days, BBQs, fishing trips, etc.)

We host a variety of events and maintain a variety of leave systems as part of a robust framework intended to help each person live his or her best life.
*Carried out with due consideration of the COVID-19 epidemic situation

Physical Health

Expansion of health examination items

Employees receive health examination subsidies from the Company and health insurance society for health examinations which cover the same items as multiphasic health screenings and include gynecological examinations. In addition, the Company and health insurance society are working in partnership on specific health guidance.

Health education

Individual consultations with a public health nurse

Starting in fiscal year 2021, we have provided employees with personal consultations with a public health nurse about the results of their health examinations. The aim of this is to equip every employee with skills that will enable them to take appropriate action for the sake of their health.

Group education (training)

Health management training, women’s participation support forum, etc.

Health events

Walking events

Since 2020, we have held walking events coordinated through a smartphone application as a way of ensuring telework does not result in a lack of exercise.
Employees can participate not only as individuals but as teams as well, which also serves to encourage workplace communication.

Functional improvement stretching

As a means of facilitating improved job performance, employees are taught stretches which they can do in between tasks and at home which will help alleviate lower back pain and shoulder stiffness.

Mental Health

Prevention, early detection and early treatment

Group education (training)

Self-care training for all employees, mental health training, harassment training, etc., for managers

Counseling while on leave of absence

In order to help accelerate the recovery of employees who have taken leave due to mental health struggles, as well as to prevent reoccurrences, we provide employees with regular consultations with public health nurses and licensed psychologists while on leave.

Rehabilitation program to help with returning to work

When employees return to work after a leave of absence, both they and their bosses may feel a sense of anxiousness. In order to ensure peace of mind for all parties, a support program is provided which establishes a rehabilitation period prior to an employee’s official return to work.